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Lean 4 Hackers

This is a short guide to getting started with Lean 4 by writing simple programs. Lean 4 is a new language inspired by its predecessor, Lean 3. It is a dependently typed, pure functional programming language that is strictly evaluated. There are significant differences though and Lean 4 programs can be compiled down to C.


As with Lean 3, the best way to install Lean 4 is to use elan:

$ TODO: install elan

elan is a tool like ghcup or rustup. It installs a toolchain: a bundle of programs for working with Lean projects that work together.

However you install elan, once it is on your path you can install Lean 4:

$ elan toolchain install leanprover/lean4:nightly

If this is successful you should be able to run:

$ lean --version
Lean (version 4.0.0-nightly-2021-11-12, commit 781a28b8f4ba, Release)

Which displays the version of Lean and the git commit it was built from.

You will also need a toolchain for compiling C programs. In Ubuntu for example this would be:

$ sudo apt install build-essential

For MacOS you might use homebrew or Chocolatey on Windows. For those who prefer it there is a nix-based development environment that sets everything up.

Lean shines as an interactive environment. It presently supports two editors: Emacs and VS Code. However, unlike Lean 3, it now speaks the Language Server Protocol which makes adding support to your editor much easier than before. If you don’t use one of the supported editors it’s worth using one or the other to try Lean out.

Hello, World!

As is customary we will begin with printing, Hello, world! to the console. I use this as a quick check to make sure the toolchain is set up properly and everything works as expected. Start by creating a new package:

$ lake new HelloWorld && cd HelloWorld

This will create a new directory with a new git repository initialized, a package configuration file called lakefile.lean, toolchain file, a Main.lean, and HelloWorld.lean.

The lakefile.lean is the package configuration file written in an embedded domain specific language defined by Lake. It lets you specify the usual paths and build targets.

The toolchain file tells elan which toolchain to use to build the project.

Take a look at HelloWorld.lean:

def hello := "world"

It contains a single definition. Now open up Main.lean:

import HelloWorld

def main : IO Unit :=
  IO.println s!"Hello, {hello}!"

If you’ve ever seen a Haskell tutorial this should look familiar. Every Lean program that will be compiled to a native binary requires an entry-point function named, main. This function has to have the type: IO Unit.

If you have used Lean 3 you might notice that this is rather different. We no longer need to import system.io or “open” it. Also we have IO and Unit with caps instead of io unit. We even have this nice substitution string, s!"World, {hello}!" instead of concatenating strings. And finally we have IO.println instead of put_str. There’s enough here to show that these are very different languages.

To compile and run this program head to your shell and run:

$ lake build

After some output, if everything was successful, you should be able to run our first Lean 4 program:

$ ./build/bin/HelloWorld
Hello, world!

If something didn’t work the best place to reach out is probably on the Zulip chat server. The Lean community is very active there and if someone hasn’t already encountered your problem in the lean4 stream there is probably someone who can help.

Hello, {name}!

The next step is to modify our HelloWorld example so that we can prompt the user for some input and print out a message to them containing it. Open up HelloWorld.lean and add:

def hello2 : IO String := do
  IO.println "What is your name? "
  let stdin ← IO.getStdin
  let name ← IO.FS.Stream.getLine stdin
  pure s!"Hello, {name.trim}!"

Then modify Main.lean:

def main : IO Unit := do
  IO.println s!"Hello, {hello}!"
  let greeting ← hello2
  IO.println $ greeting

Compile with:

$ lake build

And run it again:

$ ./build/bin/HelloWorld
Hello, world!
What is your name?
Random J. Hacker
Hello, Random J. Hacker!

Excellent. We can get input from the user.

What am I compiling?

Take a peek inside the build/ directory and you will find:


bin/ contains the fully compiled native binary produced by your platform’s C tool-chain (for the platforms supported by Lean this should be one of Clang or GCC) for the specified target(s) in your package.

lib/ contains the *.olean files. These are binary files used to cache parsed *.lean files with extra metadata about the definitions, modules, etc.

ir/ this is probably the more interesting part if you like to peek into the guts of what is being output by the Lean compiler: C code.

If you take a peek at a few of the .c files you will see calls to functions such as lean_inc and lean_dec. These come from Lean’s run-time library and are an artifact of how Lean does garbage collection: reference counting. You will see these interspersed with the various functions that map to our hello and hello2 functions.

The scheme used here is from the Counting Immutable Beans paper by the language’s inventor and his collaborators and is well worth a read.

Bonus: check out the lean4 source and poke around in src/include/lean4/lean4.h and src/runtime/io.cpp.

Word Counting

Let’s jump into a more substantial project and see what Lean 4 can do. We’re going to see if we can implement a small Unix utility: wc. This little program reads a stream of input and counts words, characters, and lines.

A word is contiguous series of non-whitespace characters.

A line is a contiguous series of non-carriage return characters.

We’ll limit ourselves to the ASCII character set to keep things simple.

First things first, create a new directory and initiate a project with Lake:

$ mkdir WordCount && cd WordCount && lake init

The first thing we will need is a data structure to maintain the state of our program as we read the input stream. It will keep the count of characters, words, and lines as well as a variable to track when we’re in a word:

structure WordCount where
  wordCount : Nat
  lineCount : Nat
  charCount : Nat
  inWord    : Bool

This is the way to define a product type with named fields in Lean, also known as a structure as you can see from the structure keyword. Each field definition contains a name on the left of the : and a type after.

When Lean sees a structure it will create a new type, namespace (more on them later), and a few functions in that namespace. Try adding the following to your source file:

#check WordCount.mk
#check WordCount.wordCount

If you’re using an editor with an interactive Lean mode/plugin this should display the type of those functions for you. #check is a command we can use to interact with Lean and ask it what the type of some expression is. It acts like a comment as these lines will be ignored when compiling your program. There are a handful of others that are very helpful to learn which we will introduce as we go along.

The first function there, WordCount.mk is a convenient function for constructing values of the type, WordCount:

def emptyWordCount := WordCount.mk 0 1 0 false

Which would be fine for our case. However if you prefer to name the fields in your code you can also write it using anonymous structure syntax:

def emptyWordCount : WordCount :=
  { wordCount := 0
  , lineCount := 1
  , charCount := 0
  , inWord    := false

We introduce a new keyword here, def, which introduces new definitions. These can be functions, types, or values. In the first example we give a definition without specifying a type: Lean can infer the type of this definition from the constructor we use in the expression.

In the second example using the anonymous structure syntax, Lean doesn’t know what the type of our definition is. We provide one in an annotation on the definition after the :.

Our First Function

Our plan of attack for this program is to update the state as we visit each character in the stream. That means we need a function that takes an accumulator state and one byte of input to compute the next state. Let’s first write the definition of this function:

def countChar (wc : WordCount) (c : UInt8) : WordCount :=

We use sorry here like undefined. It’s technically an error to leave it in and our program won’t check if we do. We’re just telling Lean, “sorry, I don’t know how to define this right now.” We can still check other parts of the program in the meantime.

This is the common way to define pure functions in Lean. Most simple functions you write will probably look something like this. Each parameter is contained in a pair of parenthesis and the final : allows us to annotate the type of this definition… in the case of a function, the “return type” if you will. You can group like-typed parameters in a single parenthesis like (x y : Int) as needed.

If you are familiar with Haskell or ML-style type annotations this is equivalent to:

countChar :: WordCount -> UInt8 -> WordCount

If you are coming from C++ or Java:

WordCount countChar(WordCount wc, uint8_t char)

Let’s replace that sorry with a term that does what we want. Let’s start by increasing the character count:

def countChar (wc : WordCount) (c : UInt8) : WordCount :=
  let wc := { wc with charCount := wc.charCount + 1 }

Here we have an example of a let expression which binds a value to a name for this expression. In this case we’re rebinding wc! The parameter wc doesn’t change however. It’s still immutable. The reasons why this still works has to do with how Lean can elaborate expressions. Just know that we’re not mutating the original parameter wc and that if we rename our let-bound wc to wc' we can still access the parameter wc in the rest of the expression.

The next part of this is using the structure update syntax. Here we’re saying that we want a structure with the same values as wc except we want the charCount field to be this incremented value from the prior state.

Moving on, let’s add the state transition from being, “in a word” to being, “out of a word”:

def countChar (wc : WordCount) (c : UInt8) : WordCount :=
  let wc := { wc with charCount := wc.charCount + 1 }
  if c == 32
  then { wc with inWord := false }
  else sorry

We have conditionals in Lean as you would expect. The if here is an expression and is in the body of the let expression. In the case where the character we’re interrogating is an ASCII space then we can transition out of a word as our next state. Otherwise…

def countChar (wc : WordCount) (c : UInt8) : WordCount :=
  let wc := { wc with charCount := wc.charCount + 1 }
  if (c == 32 || c == 13)
  then { wc with inWord := false }
  else if c == 10
  then { wc with
          lineCount := wc.lineCount + 1
          inWord := false }
  else sorry

We ask the character if it is an ASCII newline. If it is we return the next state as you would expect. And lastly we need to add the transition into a word:

def countChar (wc : WordCount) (c : UInt8) : WordCount :=
  let wc := { wc with charCount := wc.charCount + 1 }
  if (c == 32 || c == 13)
  then { wc with inWord := false }
  else if c == 10
  then { wc with
          lineCount := wc.lineCount + 1
          inWord := false }
  else if wc.inWord == true
       then wc
       else { wc with wordCount := wc.wordCount + 1,
                      inWord := true }

So to recap: we can let bind names into a new scope. We can create new structures from existing ones with new values for the fields we care about using the structure update syntax, and we have if expressions for interrogating boolean values.


The next thing we need to do is read our stream of bytes. We’ve already seen the IO type in our, “Hello, world!” program. It is within the body of a function that returns this type in which our programs can use other IO returning functions. And the main entry point to every Lean program is such a function:

def main : IO Unit := sorry

Anything where you want to read foreign memory, write to a stream (such as using IO.println), fork a thread, or read bytes from a stream: they all have to be done in an IO-returning function.

Lean 4 is evolving and as of this writing there is a spartan library of IO functions for reading and writing streams, creating processes, sampling random generators, and more. Our program will need to read from a stream and fold our countChar function over that stream from our initial emptyState that we defined earlier. To do this we define a helper function:

partial def IOfoldl {α} (f : α → UInt8 → α) (x : α) : IO α :=

Here we see the partial keyword. By default Lean only allows total functions. That means that we can only define functions where all inputs map to an output and that also means that the function will always terminate. This is useful for a lot of reasons but in programs we cannot always make this guarantee. Lean 4 allows us to say, “this function is partial, but trust me I will handle it.”

We also have this funny-looking, {α} thing. You can think of this as a type variable. Lean 4 is a dependently-typed language and there’s more to it than this but for now it is a variable that stands in for some type in the rest of our function definition. When we call this function we will pass in a type for {α} which will determine what type it is. This is basically how we define polymorphic functions in Lean 4.

You can write α in Emacs using the key-sequence \a and pressing Enter. It is similar in VS Code as well. Lean is not shy about using unicode characters in a Lean source file. However if you do not like them most have ASCII equivalents as we will see.

Next we have:

(f : α → UInt8 → α)

This defines a function parameter, f whose type is: α → UInt8 → α. You can type the using \r and pressing Enter. If you’re using another editor other than the officially supported ones then you’re on your own.

We use this function parameter in IOfoldl as our fold function. If you look at the type of countChar but replace the α’s with WordCount you will see it has the same shape and thus will be a valid fit here.

See if you can figure out what the rest of the function signature for IOfoldl means.

Here is the complete definition:

partial def IOfoldl {α} (f : α → UInt8 → α) (x : α) : IO α := do
  let stdin ← IO.getStdin
  let stop ← stdin.isEof
  if !stop
    let cs ← stdin.read 4096
    let x' := ByteArray.foldl f x cs
    IOfoldl f x'
    return x

Since this is a function returning an IO value we can use other IO functions in its body. We also see do notation here for the first time. It is similar to Haskell’s do notation. It allows us to interleave IO actions together where later IO functions can depend on the values of prior IO functions. The first such function we see:

let stdin ← IO.getStdin

The here (typed \l then Enter or <- in ASCII) binds the result of IO.getStdin to the let-bound name, stdin. We need to use the left-arrow to do this binding when we want to get the result of an IO function. If we use = we will be binding the IO α and not the α as we want in this case.

The type of the value bound to stdin is IO.FS.Stream. This is a structure with a few fields containing useful functions for working with file streams. You can find it’s definition in the Lean 4 source tree under: src/Init/System/IO.lean:

structure FS.Stream where
  isEof   : IO Bool
  flush   : IO Unit
  read    : USize → IO ByteArray
  write   : ByteArray → IO Unit
  getLine : IO String
  putStr  : String → IO Unit

We bind the isEof result to stop in our function so that we know when we’ve reached the end of the stream and can stop processing any more characters. This is basically why this function has to be partial: Lean doesn’t know anything about the input stream: how long it is, etc. So we cannot know if this function will ever terminate. Fortunately that won’t stop us from writing useful programs in Lean 4.

If there is more stream to process we use the read function to read in 4096 bytes from the stream at a time. We then determine the next state by accumulating our state with f over those bytes and loop on IOfoldl with our f and the newly computed state.

Finishing it off

The last thing we need to do is to compose together our countChar function with IOfoldl and print out the results to the user.

First let’s add a way to show the word count state to the user. Below our definition of the WordCount structure add the following:

Let’s define one more function in WordCount.lean:

instance : ToString WordCount where
  toString wc := s!"Characters: {wc.charCount} / Words: {wc.wordCount} / Lines: {wc.lineCount}"

Lean 4 has type-classes much like Haskell. We will learn more about them later but for now this is how you define a common one to convert a value of a type to a String representation. It uses Lean 4’s string interpolation feature which is nice and concise.

Finally we can define run:

def run : IO Unit := do
  let wc <- IOfoldl countChar emptyWordCount
  IO.println wc

And update our Main.lean to look like this:

import WordCount

def main : IO Unit := run

We can then go to the command line and build our project from the project root:

$ lake build

And we can run it like this:

$ echo "The quick brown fox" | ./build/bin/WordCount
Characters: 19 / Words: 4 / Lines: 1

Which we can observe is similar to the results we would get with the traditional wc program packaged with most Unix-like systems. What may vary is the value of the “line count.” Depending on which wc you use this will be 0 or 1 but neither is wrong. In our program we decided that even if we do not encounter a newline character, we consider there to always be at least 1 line of input.


We can write simple, standard Unix-like programs in Lean 4.

We learned how to define structure data structures, pure functions, partial functions, and how to read and write to streams in IO.

Our program is also rather concise. It is also not too far off in performance compared to my systems wc program! In my totally non-scientific benchmark, I use https://www.gutenberg.org/files/2701/2701-0.txt as input for both programs.

My system’s wc returns:

$ cat ~/Downloads/moby_dick.txt | time wc
22316  215864 1276235
0.01user 0.00system 0:00.01elapsed 94%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 2120maxresident)k
0inputs+0outputs (0major+87minor)pagefaults 0swaps

And our Lean 4 version:

$ cat ~/Downloads/moby_dick.txt | time ./build/bin/WordCount
Characters: 1276235 / Words: 215864 / Lines: 22317
0.03user 0.00system 0:00.04elapsed 100%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 9908maxresident)k
0inputs+0outputs (0major+1251minor)pagefaults 0swaps

This is on a Intel© Core™ i5-5300U CPU @ 2.30GHz × 2 with 8GB of RAM on 5.4.0-89-generic of Linux.

We get this without any optimization efforts on our part. Not too bad! Notice we do get a tiny bit more memory usage, to be expected as we’re doing some work with reference counting that my system wc doesn’t do. Also worth noting that this isn’t a POSIX compliant implementation of wc and isn’t doing quite as much work to handle different input types and options that would be required. However it seems reasonable that with a little more effort we could be POSIX compliant and maintain a respectable amount of performance.